Short Jokes, One Liners, SMS Jokes, Funnies, Test Jokes

Tickle your lighter side. Rejuvenate your sense of humor. Sit back to munch on some funny SMS text jokes. Indulge yourself into the luxury of subtle laugh with our refreshing funnies in witty one liners and short jokes.

Dumbo and Bambo

Once Dumbo bought a lottery ticket for $5 and won a jackpot of 5 million dollars. But the company gave him only 4.5 million dollars.

Seeing this, Dumbo became very angry and immediately phoned Bambo...

Dumbo: Bambo, I've been cheated by this lottery company! I was supposed to get 5 million dollars, but they have given me only 4.5 million dollars.

Bambo: But I think that's right, you'll only get 4.5 million dollars after deducting the taxes!

Dumbo: Stop talking like a stupid old boy! I haven't asked them to deduct the taxes. I can't afford to loose the money just like that. I'll better ask them to either give me the entire money or take back this 4.5 million dollars and give me back the $5 with which I bought the ticket!

Jokes and humor category: Stupid jokes and humor

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