Short Jokes, One Liners, SMS Jokes, Funnies, Test Jokes

Tickle your lighter side. Rejuvenate your sense of humor. Sit back to munch on some funny SMS text jokes. Indulge yourself into the luxury of subtle laugh with our refreshing funnies in witty one liners and short jokes.

Dumbo and Bambo

After Dumbo came out from the ATM counter, withdrawing some money...

Bambo: I have seen your ATM password.

Dumbo: Really? Okay, tell me what it is.

Bambo: It's four stars (****)!

Dumbo: You are really stupid! It's actually four three two one (4321).

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1 comment:

  1. hehe...really funny, how on the earth u get one daily, and everyday its funny...k, visit my blog often


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